Kindle Vella – UPDATE

Amazon’s Kindle Vella program is making some changes! And they benefit YOU!

They are changing it from three free episodes to TEN free episodes of all stories! Now, if I’m doing the maths right, that means you can read ALL my stories for free since they are all five episodes. So, if you haven’t read them yet, go for it. I hope you enjoy them. 🙂


The Little Red Suitcase
The Boss
Dipped in Yellow
Falling from the Tree
The Dark Park
An American Conflict
The Shifting Sands
Led Astray
The Passageway
Bridge to the Stars
Secrets Between Lovers


Inspired by Moonwashed Weekly Prompt – Impending &
Reena’s Exploration Challenge #278 – Word Prompt

with the impending dawn
irritatingly nudging me
this librocubicularist
sets the book down
closes weary eyes
and meanders her mind
to all the wondrous places
envisioned previously

Foundation of Dreams



With deliberate intention, the goal was to devour thousands of words. He reveled in the delicious anticipation of cerebral and sentimental fulfillment. Focused and ready for some relevant adscititious information to challenge his brain’s hunger for knowledge and fantasy. The emotions of the poets forcefully laid down impressions on his mind. Hours passed immersed in the stories and written essences of others. It colored him happy. And tired. The eyes slowly closed. All the words turned to dreams of mystical sunsets with a bareback unicorn ride on the beach, hair whipping in the wild wind.

He then woke up smiling.

One Is Never Enough


Inspired by Reena’s Exploration Challenge #186 & Eugi’s Weekly Prompt – Celebration


what is your recommendation
what is the latest you've read
perhaps i would like it too

books are always a cause for celebration
more stimuli for our fantasies
more reflection in our souls

and i get to add another ten 
     to the twenty 
         already on my side table

Confession Time

Photo by on

I’m feeling a bit guilty lately. And cranky about it. Forgive me for what I am about to say. Please.

There are so many writers I follow, but I’m falling behind in reading them. Know that I wish I could spend more time doing exactly that. But life, commitments, goals, and other passions are pulling me at me always. Sadly, there are only 24-hour days, and I have to prioritize those things which require self-preservation, devote the correct amount of time to those things which have deadlines, and choose wisely where I spend my free time. This leaves me with little time for reading every post on every single blog I follow. I’m sorry.

Know that I will as much as I can when I physically have the time to do so. And when I do and have liked a piece, it’s because it has struck a chord in me. I may not always comment, though, if I have a lot of pieces I’d like to read. You are all precious to me, and your words and thoughts inspire me, thrill me, and even make me laugh appropriately! I do most certainly miss spending as much time on your blogs as I previously did.

Am I forgiven?

Confessions Of A Book Aficionado


sweet birdies quartet
delightful awakening
a smile escapes me

coffee is brewing
yummy breakfast awaits me
sunday, reading day

true crime story first
one book down, now another
this time poetry

reading all morning
it is time for a long nap
woke up ravenous

finished a big lunch
much more reading to be done
trying for three more

a restful sunday
weekend sadly over now
work again monday


The Last Chapter


The exquisite tales spun
come to a close once again.
Leaving adventure behind
and me, in agony.

A pause in the decadence,
excitement and joy.
Left hanging in the abyss
after the final scene.

Oh, but the good stories
last forever though,
revived again and again.
These treasures never die.

May the next threshold
open up a tasteful selection
to fill my needs and desires.
I’m looking for a classic.