End Of Innocence


“One of the most powerful art pieces from Burning Man: A sculpture of two adults after a disagreement, sitting with their backs to each other. Yet, the inner child in both of them simply wants to connect. Age has many beautiful gifts, but one we could live without is the pride and resentment we hold onto when we have conflicts with others. The forgiving, free spirit of children is our true nature. Remember this when you feel stubborn.” ~ https://me.me/i/one-of-the-most-powerful-art-pieces-from-burning-man-9259489~

seething in silence
hot tears to the inside
wanting resolution in a war of no words
terrified to lose you but only wanting to win
the walls are getting thicker and higher
harder to tear down
we are a problem not wanting to be solved

Originally posted November 1, 2018, on I Write Her.


a rage controlled
held in check
eventually purges

streams of hot debris
all in the name of destruction
aimed in every direction

once the ugly ejaculate is released
the violent discharge then slows
and eventually stops

the previous agitation calms
and the cooling off has begun
the nature of the beast retreats again

Accidentally Poetic

on the streets

a molested teen
knocked up by dad real young
then kicked out while gay
will be caught loitering now 
on the seedy side of town

sweet smellin’ weed

it takes me off mark
my weightlessness calms me down
in peace I float high
smoke permeating all pores
drifting away from life’s crust


cough inducing life
it chokes my throat hot and raw
exhaust and anger
fury hangs in the air thick
rage blows up, innocence pays


AP’s confession – the words just started pouring out one day. Totally shy in real life but enjoys bold poetry about life. This is Accidentally Poetic’s first feature on The Short of It.


Submissions are now closed but if you’d like to be featured on The Short of It in the future,
click here for the submissions guidelines.


Stephen W. Buchanan


The weather changed
and storms roared in
and lightning ranged
o’er thund’rous din
But then you smiled
and for a while
sunshine was mine 

Begin Anew

With twist and turn
and swoop and sway
from stem to stern
I moved today
As I unpack
I know I’ll crack
to see just me

Flower and Flame

Solitude stands
in the shadow
watching the sands
in the moon’s glow
very aware
hope rides the air
and change arranged

Who is to Blame

Fighting demands
that verge on wild
sticky the hands
that hold the child
comforting cries
with little lies
and pleas for peace

Nature’s Presence

Nature has seen
what man has done
the times between
each rising sun
Yet fan or no
a tomorrow
will be set free

Connections Lost

I’ve lost my mind
and lost my way
so please be kind
and stay away
whilst I reset
and I forget
the past I’d cast

Wanting Other

She lies in bed
dreaming of love
wanting it said
she’d had enough
But it’s not true
She’s just had you
The same old game

Crowding the Plate

The door was slammed
My face was red
But I’d be damned
those lies be spread
I made the call
to play hardball
and switched the pitch


Stephen W. Buchanan shares his poetry at “lf You Haven’t Got A Sonnethttps://muttado.com His work was first featured in 2020 – April 17 & November 27. Stephen’s work was also selected for The Sound of Brilliance.


Submissions are now closed but if you’d like to be featured on The Short of It in the future,
click here for the submissions guidelines.





The unaddressed haunts the vitality of the future. 
A boiling, hot mess of resentment seething right below the surface. 
Repetitively protecting the external while the red-hot hatred burns. 
The barely suppressed rage remains coiled inside. 
Implosion imminent. 

Eventually, it will kill you. 

Originally posted on I Write Her 7/19/18

Painful Confusion



shocking upheaval delivered unexpectedly
the heartache pounded harshly inward
internal distress burnt a tortuous red
a deep cut surrounded by a million small tears
the stress widened all the wounds
anguish and heartbreak followed
the future, unending and suffering agony
sorrow and grief dictated the next steps for survival
this daedal misery mimicked a slow death
love left in an upset heap
an untidy disarray of hurt
this from someone who cherished commitment

Broken Young, Healed Old

the cries of a young boy go unheeded
his innocence questioning why love hurts
why is he to blame

his reddened body
and damaged psyche
at the prospect of another beating

his mother
another pawn
sidelines her nurture
for her own peace

the child twice unlucky
lives out a horror-filled childhood
but with determined endurance
his strength gets him thru his familial hell

at the tender age of sixteen
grasping sweet freedom
in the ball of his fist
he holds back the final strike

quieting his monster
embarrassing the beast’s over-blown stature
it shook the cowardly aggressor

there was peace
a respite from the violence
a start of healing
yet the dysfunction lingered

the home, always a yelling place
a source of constant dissatisfaction
coupled with emotional abuse
the father found other ways to injure

it was only a few more years
then the young man’s escape became possible
finally living on his terms
had begun in earnest

he peeled off the pain
saved himself and forged a future
promising himself to live a better life
he tried

one marriage in and down
the second one brewing for a storm
the dysfunction of the past not quite gone
just carried forward

he’d survived
but had not shed the poison within
still imprinted deep
was the darkness of the monster

not expunged, as thought
only resurfaced in time
the complete healing
required reflection and resolution

steadfast and enduring love saved him
pushing him to face his demons
and asking forgiveness of those he’d broken
just as he had been