Skilled Response Required


I Write Her


I’ve always said humans are both – detrimentally stupid and utterly complicated.

The wide variety of situations we find ourselves in and the sheer volume of inappropriate choices we make, show us time and time again we are. We depend on our feelings and instinct, and then stupidity inevitably makes an appearance. Full-on reaction mode.

The best stance to take in all complicated situations is to clearly and calmly reflect on what the hell occurred to create this current tizzy. Determining the next best, logical step to take would be most prudent.

It’s the guaranteed solution for less stupidity.

Complicated is a permanent state.

You’ll still need to buckle up.

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The Stupid

it’s taken years
decades even
to silence the frustration within me
fomented by the uneducated, misinformed and willfully ignorant

the things they say are detrimental
to our well-being and existence on this planet
cohabitation with those who wish us harm
is not the kind of world i want to live in

they wouldn’t know an informed decision
even if it came up and introduced itself
no progressive action stands a chance in the hands of the stupid
as they continue to breed disinformation

while i fear for our future
i’m learning to let go of unproductive anger
and turning off the desire to engage
or even trying to educate a non-existent intellect

they are beyond help
they are the die-hard ignorant amongst us
i will leave it to the professionals
to change their minds and hearts

Living Small

Mostafa Meraji – Unsplash

while you are playing at living
she creates a life
bold realness
versus attempting a performance

sad, little man
fraudulent and disingenuous
while she’s real
you’re under a cover

to hide your petite emotional stature
your true nature
one which will never blossom
to magnificence

a waste of skin and body parts



A dolt will share an impressively ignorant stance, his nescience glaringly obvious.
Laughter ensues, then a realization it’s a heart-breaking moment.
The lame-brained contribute zilch to the betterment of our people or our planet.
If they only knew they were stupid.

It sounds so incredibly judgmental because it is. Our society expects only top-quality people to reside in it but is the business of going about life top-quality? Seems like a time for reflection of our expectations. Let’s understand that each contribution made is as messy as life itself.  That’s the territory we’re in. We have not yet reached perfection.

Skilled Response Required


I’ve always said humans are both – detrimentally stupid and utterly complicated.

The wide variety of situations we find ourselves in and the sheer volume of inappropriate choices we make, show us time and time again we are. We depend on our feelings and instinct, and then stupidity inevitably makes an appearance. Full-on reaction mode.

The best stance to take in all complicated situations is to clearly and calmly reflect on what the hell occurred to create this current tizzy. Determining the next best, logical step to take would be most prudent.

It’s the guaranteed solution for less stupidity.

Complicated is a permanent state.

You’ll still need to buckle up.