I Know

Inspired by What do you see #232

fall into my arms
let me take away your despair

i want to hold you
as the pain passes
from substantial to weightless

take all the time you need
let it all out
it’s okay

soon you’ll feel the heavy sobs lessen
and see the tears dry up
as your breath rhythmically calms down

bud, i promise
you’ll make it through
to this new reality


Beniamin Sinca – Unsplash

small and large
every size in between
we make them
others make them

the reckless, unintentional,
without forethought type of injury
is suffered upon the unwilling,
mildly harmed as well as grossly enraged

a mood, the time of day, the severity
at the time of infliction predicts our response
have a laugh and acceptance
compassion and empathy
or maybe cutting out their further influence

shall errors happen again and again
or will we learn to not repeat
perhaps we just get better at not screwing up the small stuff
only to really fuck things up

The End Of Hope

only some children
can claim that life is easy
only some adults
have a life that is easy

for there are many whose dreams
shattered before their eyes
heartbreak and heartache
the sum of their existence

when what is spoken is not true
when deceit dominates
yet forgiveness is expected
escape to better living is excruciating

Reblog – Twenty-Five Years by Jeanne Marie

Being in a long-term relationship doesn’t always mean it is a happy one. :_(

Women Who Think Too Much by Jeanne Marie

Twenty-five years she has spent waiting.
Will he love her tonight?
Waiting for him to shut off the TV,
Put the football to bed.
Dance her around the kitchen,
Arms around her so tight.
But it’s late when the game is over,
and all she gets is a quick kiss with his,
“I’m tired. I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”
Twenty-five years she can’t erase.
In the mirror she sees old pain in her eyes
Remnants of twenty-five years of fights.
Wrinkles dust her once smooth face.
Wrinkles she did not see yesterday
The wrinkles a present of time
Now permanently in place.
Her dreams will never
One magical day come true
Because she wasted her youth
Longing for love from you.
Wrinkles tell her that one day at a time
She threw twenty-five years away
She has waited far too long
To find her happy ever-after someday.
No strong arms…

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