Sunshine Blogger Award #5


I was nominated by Smitha V at Pennings…One Woman’s Journey!  As always, it’s wonderful to receive this recognition and I appreciate the opportunity to get to know my readers a little better. Thank you, Smitha, I appreciate it! Please take a moment and check out her blog. There are quotes, travelogue, creative writing, parenting, book reviews, poetry art, and other topics. A little bit for everyone’s tastes!

Recently I decided to be an award-free blog due to my goals and schedule this year, but I will answer all of Smitha’s questions. I’ve said it before on many occasions that this is a great way for us to all get to know each other a little better.

Smitha’s Questions for me

1. What is the most extreme “sport” you’ve done (if any)? 

One thing I’ve done which was anxiety-producing for me was diving off the highboard at our local swimming pool. I believe it was 7 1/2 meter board. The other was zip-lining above the Mexican treeline in Cancun.

2. Do you have a favorite travel destination? If so, where?

Any beach with white or pink sand, crystal clear blue water and palm trees. 🙂

3. What is your favorite blog topic? 

I am partial to feelings, relationships, and questions about life.

4. Do you have a preferred time of day to blog? When?

No, although I primarily write in the mornings, inspiration can come at any time.

5. Do you drink coffee while you blog?

Frequently, but I also drink tea.

6. Do you have pets?

I don’t have any but I do like the pets of others.

7. If you were trying to fix a broken shovel handle and a 500-pound gorilla came up to you with a roll of tape, what would you do?

LOL I would probably say thank you in sign language imagining that Dr. Jane Goodall had something to do with it!

8. Do you prefer to swim in a pool or a natural body of water? 

Oh, definitely in the ocean or lake! However, if there were a salt-water pool available, I would prefer that over a chlorinated pool.

9. It’s Thanksgiving- turkey, some other type of meat, or no meat?

Not a fan of turkey unless it’s the dark meat. I do eat other meats too. Although, given a good tasting alternative, I’d prefer to eat a meat substitute.

10. Given the choice, would you prefer a spider or a snake in your home? 

I’ll take a snake any day! 🙂

11. What type of music do you listen to? 

Oh, gosh, all kinds! I grew up on the 40s – 70s and pretty much like all types. Although, not a great big fan of opera, country music, punk rock, or rap. Having said that though, I will always give a recommendation a listen and I do have some songs or bands in those styles which I like.

Thanks again, Smitha! 🙂


Mystery Blogger Award 2018!


I was nominated for The Mystery Blogger Award! Considering that I’ve really only been at this for the last 6 months here on WordPress, I’m honored. 🙂 Thank you, Reggie German! Please venture over to his blog; he’s got some great stuff!

I also (rules or not) want to thank, Okoto Enigma, for creating this award. At the moment, I have not read her blog, but I certainly plan on it. She is the creator of this excellent award; an award she describes best:

Mystery Blogger Award is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion.
– Okoto Enigma

Here are the rules:

  • Put the award logo/image on your blog
  • List the rules.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  • You have to nominate 10 – 20 people
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  • Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  • Share a link to your best post(s)

Questions posed by Reggie:

  1. Are you in the occupation you planned on being in? If not, what changed your course? Never in a million years did I think I would be a stay-at-home expresser of my thoughts who would publish a book but I did! My journey down the path of writing started rather late in life, and I credit a wonderful inspirational human for that.
  2. What’s one thing that people always misunderstand about you? For those who don’t know me well, I don’t think they realize that I always say what I mean and do as I say. They are surprised when they can count on me.
  3. Do you have a routine when you write? I do, and it’s described here  Read, think, write
  4. How would you describe your writing style? It’s always been very important to me to be honest, heartfelt and relay a sense of my understanding of the world in my writing.
  5. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever worn? A shiner under my left eye!

Three Random Things About Me:

  1. I was an Army brat born in West Berlin, Germany before the wall came down.
  2. Have been married twice and bore two children even though I frequently said I would do neither when I was younger. Fortunate for me, I changed my mind.
  3. You can easily see I possess the perfect “footprints in the sand” imprint every time my wet feet step on a dry mat.

I Nominate:


Glover Gardens



Unbolt Me

Dark Anki

Aston Kamunde

The Feathered Sleep


Paul Lenzi

Here are the questions for my nominees:

  1. Who is the most influential person in your life and why?
  2. What prompted you to begin writing consistently?
  3. Name three places you’d like to visit.
  4. How many years is your longest friendship?
  5. If you were forbidden to ever write again, what would you be doing instead?


My Favorite Post:

Narrowing it down to one was just too tough! I ended up with three for these reasons:

The Process of Life and Waking Up for they are both daily occurrences.

Carotid Wine The first piece of fiction I imagined. The title was killer too.