Reblog – Saved.

Every time I read this piece, I come away with another understanding. This writer’s tone and execution of the words is brilliant, IMO. Enjoy!

Blue Fences

savedLook out the window at that ocean view. I’ll come to you in waves.

With your next appetite, Ill be exactly what you crave.

Look in the mirror and we’ll talk face-to-face.

Close your eyes. I’ll make a visit in your dreams.

Turn up the volume to your tunes, and Ill surround you in streams.

I will travel through the noise and underneath the silence by various means.

Ill be on your fingertips- the same ones you took away from me.

The fingertips that stopped touching me, pointed me to the door, and made me feel unworthy.

Yes, let me go but you won’t breath easy. I’ve already unpacked my being next to the things you promised me.

Wanted me to feel put out. Abandoned. Forgotten. Lonely.

But while you were preparing to disconnect from me…

I made a home in your memory.

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Reblog – Shreya Vikram

This piece is intense, thought-provoking, and has such depth you’re not sure if you’ll ever come back up. Just wow!

Photo by Raúl Nájera on Unsplash


The most powerful is powerless; we know the force of water only as it crashes onto a surface. To be alone is always nothing. Nothing trickles upwards. There is only one way to reach the top- you must give away, of your own will, as much of yourself as possible.


Each one of us must forget we aren’t loved in the ways we want to be. To be is to forget what doesn’t serve you. Above all, you must know your lies are the only things you own, faithless as they are.  


If you have been seen, you cannot be still. Your image is moving, already, into a stranger’s perception. It twists and turns in their eyes and you have reacted, already, like a ripple of sorts. You are nothing but a reflection, deluded self-importance. 


In the end, we will come to see ourselves. The object peering into water, leaning further, further until the face meets its reflection. The second before the merging, I imagine an unbearable fear, then love, then nothing. 


This is also something we must tell ourselves. 

Reblog – TASTE OF SADNESS by Onah

Although written quite some time ago, Onah really captures the current atmosphere well in this piece.



Have you
ever been
so sad

That you felt
your heart
piece by piece

Your soul

Your spirit
like smoke
in the wind

Nothing makes

Except the taste
of sadness.

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Reblog – There are no rehearsals left, only curtain fall by Candice Louisa Daquin

This piece will take you to the depths of sorrow and despair. Oof! It’s certainly one that hit home for me!


Originally published on Hijacked Amygdala 3/1/20

As it grows dark

As the corners of today’s page furl

Empty rooms, homes without windows, drugs without users, a body untouchable, growing cold

As if alight sparing flame

Never to relive

Nor consume nor nourish

This terrible emptiness

As she feels the pain that comes afterward

Inevitable. Old. Crushing. Familiar.

She wants to run to you

But you’re long gone, if ever present

Diminished and relinquished

Pouring medicine down the drain, till needful of no refreshment

Even beauty turns to stone

Even love robs itself destitute

As lovers hate the very thing that made them burn

The taste in her mouth of ashes

Written across her brow in heavy stroke

The cross, the lantern, the falsehood

This room loses light as she gradually declines

On her knees, so many years without touch; lies in place of comfort

Words growing smaller and smaller

A shadow book within a grace freshly dug, till she can see no more but the internal crush of loss

She was an addictive personality who couldn’t get out of her mould, it stuck like jello, that tendency toward

Melancholy and suicide

If you find her dead you can bet one of her vices is responsible

When she meets people who have not soaked their souls in cigarettes and vodka

Feeling more in the daytime bar than ever something clean and starched

Broken girl parts

Snapped in half before they knew how to stand up

Hers is a sickness, dances in pearls around her neck till pulled tight

Wanting the abyss of psychedelic music and dream of hashish

Intoxicate the pain, numb further urge to destroy what’s left

And push yourself inside me, join the sorrow dot by dot till we both burst

Such is the loveliness of sex in the fulment of grief

Replacing one pain with another small death

The telephone doesn’t ring

She doesn’t call or receive these days

The silence as palpable as the knife she carves her arms into ribbons with

They’ve danced this dance before

There are no rehearsals left, just curtain fall

Think of how it felt, long ago

Before the end, in the middle, lost now

The heaviness of her wanting is blunted by knowing

These people have only their irrevocable actions

Sparring with one another, the blood of first strike hitting white snow in masterpiece

Crimson against a hundred promises, a new form of murder

Sitting, watching herself go through the motions

Good girl who kisses her loved one, tucks in the bed sheets tight

Dreaming of broken glass down her throat, three grey birds and a fingerful of coke

The rage of impotence across flayed landscapes

That flesh and sinew long hung to cure, speaks nothing

Doesn’t forget the rebuke, even as forgiveness is yoked, chain on soft skin

To every ending

Time ticks down without mercy, and if she lives to your age

Just like you, setting the tableaux of your life, there’ll be nothing to say

But the horror of silence before deafening rain

Then she picks up her existing and leaves

Soon it seems, she was never there, just a handful of misspoken words and rage

Drinking clouds, the truth, spares the speaker

She has a generation of distillers and eyes that carry pain as if it were their child

Tonight she won’t be meeting you, she’ll keep on driving

There’s a drop off somewhere, she knows, a fateful road where the turn is sharp

And unexpected

Even for the most familiar driver

It takes a kind of control

She never ever possessed.

Reblog – Alone by Taylor Grace

The Broken Inside of Me

Which version do you prefer me to be?

The me that doesn’t always suit you quite so perfectly

The me that fits your perception of who I should be

The me who never has moments of weakness that brings me to my knees

It is difficult trying to be who everyone wants me to be

One day I’m going to only have myself to please

I reach out for your hand, repeatedly waiting just for someone to understand

Love me

Hate me

There is no in between

I understand though because I feel the same things

I’ve spent my whole life just trying to breathe

Still to this day I run, I hide, driving around aimlessly in an attempt to ignore the brokenness that is inside

The only thing I really need is someone to listen and comfort the pieces that are me

I know they say love comes with a cost

Maybe I’m just tired of feeling so damn lost

Not feeling accepted has taken a toll on me

Devastation added on top of the underlying pain

Nothing I can do but sit holding no one accountable

What else would you expect me to do

I turn it all inside

Carrying all the burdens

Hiding all the shame

Running from the memories

At the end of the day I have no one to blame

It’s ok though because I know that pain

I feel invisible

Nothing to lose

Oh wait, that’s right

That’s when I get told I don’t have a clue

I wonder if I’ve ever really showed anyone who I really am

My broken pieces run far too deep

Inside my demons constantly keeping me from sleep

Continually re-victimized by the very same voices that keep feeding me lies

Just when I feel I can’t hold on one more day, it occurs to me that no one is coming to save me and it doesn’t even matter if I were to walk away

All the labels and judgment

Fill my ears

But again no one knows the shell of a woman standing in front of them

Too sensitive

Too bossy

Too picky

Too upset

Too cautious

Too angry

Too hurt

Too organized

Too right

Too wrong

Too isolated

Too weak

Too strong

Too emotional

Too tired

Too sexy

Too much

Too difficult

Too quiet

Too old

Too kind

Too loud

Too thoughtful

Too busy

Too hyper

Too complicated

Too Broken

Surrounded by all the voices

Seeming so intrigued

Fascinated by my words and wisdom

They like me

They love me

Oops once again I’ve been misled

They were only passing the time

And never again thought of me

Have you ever truly felt this alone?


A powerful piece about the internal struggles individuals grapple with.
Well done, Taylor!

Reblog – FALLING FOR A SOUL by Onah

This piece hit deep in the feelz! Who doesn’t want this kind of love in their lives?!? I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did. 🙂



If I must fall again,
I rather for a
soul than a face,
For the beauty of love
Is in the chemistry
Of two souls
Flowing into
Each other,
Until both
Become vulnerable,
Conquering their
Their will,
Their differences,
Melting into a
unique substance,
with character,
Mind and body
living in peace
and harmony.

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Reblog – Reason !

I ache every time I read this! Who hasn’t felt these feelings at least once in their lifetime? Whether torn apart by tragedy or at the end of what was once great, a loss is a powerful feeling not easily overcome. This piece definitely hit home for me.



Those clouds of passion that once 
came crashing across my face
and that love drenched rain
dressing my body with glitter
where fires flared from friction
along the trail your lips traced

on those chilly winter mornings
where our fingers found shelter
in the spaces between
where now these spaces seem so spacious
yet my fingers still linger 
on your fragrance.

And here am I
the only audience to your absence
trying to hold on to your warmth
yet unable to survive
for I miss my reason to exist
the anticipation of your kiss.


Photo by Joe Yates on Unsplash

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