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Inspired by Reena’s Xploration Challenge #328 &
Moonwashed Weekly Prompt – Jaded Glory

i approached like a child
filled with passion
but without direction

her power encouraged me
her ire influenced me
her determination guided me

becoming greatness
an exquisite struggle
but exhausting

feelings of jaded glory
on this path of self-actualization
led me to who i am today

Reblog – To Be Loved By A Poet

I shared this with my husband and he agrees 100%! 🙂 Nice job revealing these truths, Mich!


You are the love of my life
and the poetry i write–michelle

to be loved
by a poet,
they say,
is both
a blessing
and a curse

love him and
you unlock
the intensity
and passion
in his heart
you become his
loving muse

betray him and
you unlock
his deepest secret,                                  his darkest side
you become his
most savage

you will linger
in his lines
and verses
in his highest highs
and lowest lows
and you will be
immortalized in
his poetry

(For visually challenged writers, the image shows an old wooden door framed by ancient stone, with an ornate key inserted in a rusted, heart-shaped lock)

For Sue’ s writephoto
Thursday photo prompt: Secret #writephoto

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