One Is Never Enough


Inspired by Reena’s Exploration Challenge #186 & Eugi’s Weekly Prompt – Celebration


what is your recommendation
what is the latest you've read
perhaps i would like it too

books are always a cause for celebration
more stimuli for our fantasies
more reflection in our souls

and i get to add another ten 
     to the twenty 
         already on my side table


Photo by Posawee Suwannaphati on

tastings leave me feeling shiny and new
selecting the best, we all win
the atmosphere delightful, taking it all in
friendships cemented over wine, so happy are we

I was inspired to write this after Christine – Stine Writing posted about this interesting form. It’s called an “In One Word Poem” and it is an absolute delight to be challenged to create in this way! My husband supplied the first word and I hope you enjoy what it prompted me to write. 🙂

The rules are:

  • choose a word
  • list words that you find within that word
  • choose words from that list
  • write a poem in which each line ends with one of those words

Have fun if you decide to participate! I hope you do and and look forward to reading what you come up with!

25 Years

Cynthia and Tom looked intently into each other’s eyes; a bit weathered from the years. They were celebrating their special love day with all their friends and family.

All sat transfixed as Tom professed his admiration for Cynthia. He was boasting of unending mutual love and respect, suggesting not one uncompromising moment in those years.

What an Ooh, Aah storybook marriage all those in attendance felt!

The loved ones thunderously applauded. Tom sat down with a happy grin.

Cynthia stood up, raised the gun and smiled as the bullet tore into his braincase.

Wow, what had he gotten so wrong?
