In Paradise

to be as unrestrained
as the birds taking to the sky
basking in evening’s last light
and inhaling the ocean’s breath

sustenance for the soul
relaxation for the mind
well-being for the body

oh, take me to this nirvana
where i might relive ecstasy

and experience bliss

Weekend Fun


Inspired by VJ’s Weekly Challenge – Trees & Sadje’s What do you see #83

with the sun fully shining
there is no cover from trees
in the middle of the lake

beer is guzzled and laughter ensues
fish are caught in abundance
as the sunburns are doled out evenly

when the bright sun fades
behind the sky-darkening clouds
the boats and people return home


Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Saturday Mix – Lucky Dip inspired me to share this with you!

I Write Her

want my
skin immersed
in warm, wet silk.
Soothing envelopment of my body
heals and reenergizes my mind and limbs.
I’ll splash in this

View original post

P.J. Reed

The Wedding Dress

fuzzy empty clouds
dandelion skeletons
of half-blown wishes

and breezes blow
grey flowers sway underfoot
cow parsley shadows

trickling storm streams
carry specks of stolen light
into sunless earth


soft leaves are bouncing
stems sway with flutters of green
swollen raindrops fall


dipolar sunshine
lane lies clothed in lace shadows
footsteps of light and shade


sea thistle towers
bees bumble through barbed flowers
wearing pollen shoes


P.J. Reed is an award-winning, multi-genre author with books ranging from high fantasy, horror, to haiku. She writes the Richard Radcliffe Paranormal Investigations series and the Bad Decisions series. Reed lives in Devon, England with her two daughters, two rescue dogs, and one feral cat called Sammy.

For more information visit: PJ Reed Writing


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Beautiful Adventure

1 (1)

From here I wish a quick departure
to visit a people alive with culture    

I want to venture to a foreign land
be free to escape the daily demand

A bucket list item for many a year
want to scratch an itch so severe

Blue skies and white beaches beckon me
where lovers and bronze bodies are free

A history rich with art, poetry, and technology
where sophistication spawned prodigy

A magical destination calls my name
oh, Greece, you’re my aim

Are We There Yet?

faaa Inspired by Hélène Vaillant – What Do You See 1/22/19

beautiful white snow
in the dark night

icy and cold
chilled to the bone
layers, way too many

your world is sunny
rather visit there
wanting to thaw out

beautiful white sand
in the bright day

oh, do let me come stay with you!