
Image Attribution Unknown

Inspired by Reena’s Xploration Challenge #328 &
Moonwashed Weekly Prompt – Jaded Glory

i approached like a child
filled with passion
but without direction

her power encouraged me
her ire influenced me
her determination guided me

becoming greatness
an exquisite struggle
but exhausting

feelings of jaded glory
on this path of self-actualization
led me to who i am today

Her Strength

Inspired by Moonwashed Weekly Prompt – Resourceful &
Reena’s Xploration Challenge #327 – Liminal

she inhabits
the liminal space
between dreams and reality
where her inimitable creativity flourishes
and where she tasks her resourceful ability
to navigate the boundaries of imagination
bestowing on us her discoveries
thereby enhancing our lives and minds

she is a gift

Playing At My Own Game

Image credit unknown

Inspired by Moonwashed Weekly Prompt – Solitude & Reena’s Xploration Challenge #321

with money comes all the drama
i prefer a life of solitude
earnestly gaining a rich understanding of myself
and the world around me
the investment in my being is enrichment enough



Image credit –

in the quiet moments
i find myself
seeing, contemplating, learning
understanding the pain
and the pleasure of humanity
solving life’s ever-challenging cycles
handling love’s quick entrance
and departure
breaking down
rising up
in the stillness, i am

Originally posted November 9, 2018, on I Write Her. Posted with revisions.


choosing to showcase
only the best of you
  an enhanced illusion, a public facade
  or maybe self-preservation in the face of reality

respect is given and expected
a demonstration of existence displayed
  but it belies the true nature of your essence
  one that is flawed and human

your actions may line up with your words
and your deeds be filled with compassion
  but real freedom is not experienced
  nor a true ease in your skin is felt

Reblogs – Suzette Benjamin & Reena Saxena

Finding out who and where you were meant to be is the best gift you can give yourself.

Untitled Senryū by Suzette Benjamin

“If you want to know the truth of who you are, walk until not a person knows your name… A long stretch of road will teach you more about yourself than a hundred years of quiet introspection.” ― Patrick Rothfuss


Senryū inspired by the above quote:

on a winding road
passing by a traveler
I find she was me

Entangled by Reena Saxena

pulled by
dark memories
pushed by dreams, parts of me
ride ahead – I disentangle

Reblogs – Sadje & Esme’s Cloud

We’ve all just got one life. Make the best of it; however, you choose!

Thursday Inspo – Rock by Sadje

A miracle needs faith
Faith strong like a rock
Rock that anchors our life
Life of giving purpose to our existence
Existence that is a miracle in itself

The Howling by Esme’s Cloud

Scattered scraps of stories
Tinted tithes of tales,
Half-formed paper lives,
Fiction flights and flails.
Shreds of sweeping stanzas
Tears of patchy passion,
Torn and stapled sagas
Scripts sit blurred and ashen.
Loosely draped précis,
Themes almost addressed,
Hordes of pushy prose —
Ambiguous when pressed.
Sketched out personalities
Characters barely there,
Histories scantly dressed,
Demanding prose doth declare:
Right me,
W R I T E M E!
They, frenzied, cry;
And sometimes . . .
I do.

Listen Here, You

Jenna Hamra – Pexels

Inspired by Sadje’s What do you see #185

at times
life will be monumentally hard
you got this

at times
joy appears as if out of nowhere
relish those moments

at times
friends will disappoint
they’re human just like you

at times
love will save the day
that’s its purpose

at times
let acceptance, happiness, forgiveness, and pure intentions guide you
live your life honorably