

Image credit –

in the quiet moments
i find myself
seeing, contemplating, learning
understanding the pain
and the pleasure of humanity
solving life’s ever-challenging cycles
handling love’s quick entrance
and departure
breaking down
rising up
in the stillness, i am

Originally posted November 9, 2018, on I Write Her. Posted with revisions.

In Pain


in silent shelter
minimizing what we expose
we cry and ache

but sometimes
it becomes necessary
to combine a consonant and a vowel

shedding light on our pain
it eases the burden we carry
that which shackles us from change


Inspired by Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie – Saturday Mix


the cycle begins, yet again
fresh, healthy and robust beginnings
exciting moves while green
life cycles continue, as always
but getting older bruises a bit
tarnishes us as time goes by
a midlife crisis attempts to snatch youth back
regardless, old age makes its presence known
doom and gloom seems imminent
physical/mental changes more evident
aches and pains more prominent
beginning to know with certainty
our lives won’t go on forever
leaving us almost wishing for the way out
death, the end until the next beginning

Feeling Human Book Review by Lisa Tomey!!

Wow, Lisa! What an awesome job in reviewing my book in this format! How cool is it in the way it was presented? I’m honored that she took the time to do this but also to express her thoughts about my collaboration with Terry. Thank you for your kind words, Lisa! Your review tells me that I succeeded in achieving what I set out to accomplish with this book, and for that I am over the moon! In addition, I’m so thrilled that I got to showcase the incredibly artwork of my friend Terry! Her touch added a beautiful, visual dimension to the words expressed. I honestly can’t thank you enough, Lisa! ❤

For anyone interested in getting their own copy, please click here. It is available in paperback and e-book format. The link will show you all the books I’ve published or contributed to. Happy Reading!!


aching with sorrow and sadness
silently keeping in it
when, eventually the dam breaks
as chance moments
beckon forth deeply held emotions

tears spill quickly
because the lies
behind false smiles
of “i’m all right”
can’t help but break through the barrier
foolishly yet protectively erected

this water shed pinnacle of epic proportions
a facially distorting cataclysm
and puffy, snot producing event
this full-body aching outloud
it was inevitable
so predictable
it was necessary, to move on to healing

Reblog – Empathic by Doree

Empathy, sympathy, concern, it’s what makes us humane.

DoRee MelNic


I do not know


I do not know your pain

I feel it close to my heart


I do not know your pain


I’ve felt

Shrill sheets of energy

Shredding through my being


Back and forth

Back and forth


Until I couldn’t anymore


I do not know your pain

But I feel it just the same

And for what it’s worth

It must be terrible


View original post


Beniamin Sinca – Unsplash

small and large
every size in between
we make them
others make them

the reckless, unintentional,
without forethought type of injury
is suffered upon the unwilling,
mildly harmed as well as grossly enraged

a mood, the time of day, the severity
at the time of infliction predicts our response
have a laugh and acceptance
compassion and empathy
or maybe cutting out their further influence

shall errors happen again and again
or will we learn to not repeat
perhaps we just get better at not screwing up the small stuff
only to really fuck things up

A Hollow Existence

it took a global pandemic
for us to realize
the yin-yang of touch
and precision distancing

in these covid times
the good is the benefit we receive from hugs
the bad, this illness’ consequence
yet we still crave the magic of being held

Image credit; 五玄土 ORIENTO – Unsplash
