
Image Attribution Unknown

Inspired by Reena’s Xploration Challenge #328 &
Moonwashed Weekly Prompt – Jaded Glory

i approached like a child
filled with passion
but without direction

her power encouraged me
her ire influenced me
her determination guided me

becoming greatness
an exquisite struggle
but exhausting

feelings of jaded glory
on this path of self-actualization
led me to who i am today

Her Strength

Inspired by Moonwashed Weekly Prompt – Resourceful &
Reena’s Xploration Challenge #327 – Liminal

she inhabits
the liminal space
between dreams and reality
where her inimitable creativity flourishes
and where she tasks her resourceful ability
to navigate the boundaries of imagination
bestowing on us her discoveries
thereby enhancing our lives and minds

she is a gift


Jona162 –

Inspired by What do you see #220

with every slight
every command to shutter
my essence diffuses

the thoughtless insults
they hurt
my skin becoming thin

but there will come a time
when enough is enough
when it all comes back to me

using strength and resolve
building from within
i will become whole again


Artist – unknown

Inspired by Moonwashed Weekly Prompt – Phenomenons &
Reena’s Xploration Challenge #306

of a harsh steely city
flash in my mind

i was scared

grateful for the signs
phenomenons, if you will,
of positivity and direction

i was guided

by the shining light
offering hope
giving me inspiration

i was choosing what was best for me