Abating Sins

the slickness of my tongue in youth
divulged my immaturity
when speaking untruths to get my way

at the liquor store
with a fake id
batting eyelashes for rum

at school
with drama-filled explanations
of why homework wasn’t turned in

at home
the walls cringing with angst
from screams between generations

at parties
braggadocious and vain
impressing the girls and boys for attention

as a fledgling human
i excelled in drama
yet aging now prefers that the lies come to an end

Mountains Of Responsibilities

The envelopes piling up on the credenza,
a daily ritual every afternoon
of dumping from the mailbox to the top of the desk.

Out of sight, out of mind, they say.
Having fun, feeling free with friends,
enjoying life to the fullest meant

barely a thought given to the duties of adulthood.
The distraction of coffee, a record playing or a good movie
always drawing her away to a better place than what was around her.

Not that it couldn’t be better.
She didn’t know how or want to acknowledge her inadequacies
staring her in the face each time she walked by the roll top.

She never excelled at math, couldn’t balance her checkbook and
never understood the value of money.
Always being reckless and not knowing she really should save.

Sadly, the day of personal reckoning finally came,
the sheriff’s insistent hammering at the front door.
“Ma’am, you’ve been served an eviction notice.”

Living Small

Mostafa Meraji – Unsplash

while you are playing at living
she creates a life
bold realness
versus attempting a performance

sad, little man
fraudulent and disingenuous
while she’s real
you’re under a cover

to hide your petite emotional stature
your true nature
one which will never blossom
to magnificence

a waste of skin and body parts

It’s Lacking


this on-again
off-again affair
it’s all just practicing
at the grown-up table

the repetition of the immature
the relationship nostrum
of the stupid
hot-cold-over, hot-cold-over

the connection fails
time and time again
when the heads in the game
are unequipped to love properly

How Dare You?

“When you went away, with you went your special face.”
Keith Garrett excerpt from When You Went Away


it all went away

this face
adoring you lovingly

a killer smile
appreciating your charm

these lips
so moist, waiting

bright eyes
only for you

it’s all gone now
but you’re bitching about


demeanor ————– when it’s a direct consequence of your piss poor behavior