“We’re Made Of Star Stuff” – A Tribute To Carl Sagan

my composition
in an eternal loop

conscious and alive
non-existent and dead

i fear not
what is

Inspired by Reena’s Exploration Challenge #132

Carl Sagan (11/9/34 – 12/20/96) was an American astronomer, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author, science popularizer, and science communicator in astronomy and other natural sciences. – Wikipedia

If you were like me, you inhaled the show “Cosmos” in the 1980s. Carl Sagan contributed mightily to my understanding of our universe as well as the various sciences he was involved in. He was someone I looked up to and learned from. Sagan had a great mind and a deep compassion for the living. He helped me make sense of things in a world that doesn’t easily give you understanding. I will forever be grateful to have been exposed to his mind and his rationale.

The View

Image- Egil Sjøholt -Pexels

the bold elegance
of this magnificent sky
it feels so imaginary
and overwhelming
but also a calming haven
in times of agitation
a retreat
when it’s become
all too much
it is a refuge
for my sanity

Inspired by Eugi’s Weekly Prompt – Elegance, Sadje’s What do you see #22 &
VJs Weekly Challenge #89 – Imaginary




Inspired by BrewNSpew – Word of the Week – 8/5/19

We look outward to understand ourselves,
throwing questions to the stars.

Our youth is filled with awe and wonder.
Our years provide some answers.

We are just a silhouette of the skies,
or mirror of what already was before us.

We are life.
We go on and on and on…