Reblog – Bloggers Support Plan 😄 by Manjul

What a wonderful way to support fellow bloggers!! Please read!

Innumerable Thoughts

Hello everybody🙋!!! Hope you all are keeping in good health and are staying safe wherever you are.

So today’s post is something different I mean its neither a regular relatable situations post nor its a sketch post then what is it all about???

Okay so I have come up with a small plan which hopefully would be quite beneficial for both of us. It is the “Weekly Bloggers Support Plan”. Where me as well as other bloggers can easily some to know about your blog posts and the link to your blogs. Don’t worry this plan is free of cost you just need to follow some simple steps given below👇

I understand initially when we start blogging it becomes quiet difficult to reach out other bloggers.

Justsimply follow the given format below :

1. Name of your blog
2. Link to your blog
3. What is your blog all about

View original post 156 more words

Liebster Award #3

Thank you, Nathan Cocker – Poetry 365 for this nomination. While I appreciate being nominated and answering the questions you asked of me, I won’t be selecting any blogs. I think most, if not all, writers I subscribe to deserve a nomination. Please take a little time to get to know me a little better. Thanks again for the opportunity to share my world, Nathan! I hope everyone takes a moment to read your work!

Nathan’s Questions For Me

  • Are you a cat, dog, mouse, or fish person? (Explain why…)

I love all animals so I won’t choose one. If I was of the frame of mind to have a pet, it would probably be a miniature pig.

  • What was your first music album / CD? (What was your last? Damn you, Spotify!!)

No idea as it was over 40 years ago now. I can tell you my first concert was Styx – the Babe, I love you Tour. I was sixteen at the time.

  • Which is your favourite Beatle and why?

Ringo Starr because I love drummers.

  • If you could be any character from fiction or movie, who and why?

I would want to be any noble character who is always willing to stand on the right side of history.

  • What was your most disastrous date night? Tell all the gory details!

I can’t say that I ever really had one.

  • No regrets. But, what is your biggest regret? (No politics)

Marrying my first love. Although, I would never have had my first son. He was worth going through the ending of it.

  • What was your scariest weather moment?

Tornado that the funnel was starting to rotate above our home in 2001. It did touch down but when it did, it was about 1/2 mile away from us.

  • What is your favourite city? Explain why?

Boston, Massachusetts will forever be my favorite city. There is such a rich history there and the city is beautiful architecturally. The people are wonderful too!

  • What did you want to be when you were growing up?

A singer, then I wanted to be in the Air Force, not married and never having children. I never became a singer or get into the Armed Forces but I did get married (2X) and had two children.

  • If you could make a mixtape (OK! or, a spotify playlist), which are the first 5 tracks?

LP – Lost on You
Pink – Raise your Glass
AC/DC – Back in Black
One Republic – Counting Stars
Shawn Mendes – There’s Nothing Holding Me Back

  • You have the luxury of writing your own epitaph. Please tell us all? (and make us cry…)

I won’t be writing an epitaph as I’m not getting buried. My body and my brain are getting donated to science. But I will tell you that I’ve asked my children to make sure the Obiturary starts like this…

Fucking Dead as of (whatever that date may be) 🙂

Sunshine Blogger Award!


Wow! Two awards in one week! Thank YOU, Lori, for this one! I guess that means you like me, you really like me! 🙂

I’ve been tagged by the lovely LORI’S BOOK SHELFREADS  Adorers of books, show her some love!


The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.


  1. Thank the person/persons that nominated you and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions your nominator has given you.
  3. Nominate 11 other people and give them 11 new questions to answer.
  4. List the rules and display the award.

11 Questions from Sara

What book are you currently reading? 

The Spawn of Lilith – Dana Fredsti
Time Shards – Dana Fredsti & David Fitzgerald
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents – Lindsay C. Gibson, PsyD
Fire and Fury – Michael Wolff

If you were stranded on a deserted island and you were only allowed one book, which book would you take with you? 

John Hopkins Symptoms and Remedies – The Complete Home Medical Reference

Which highly acclaimed author can’t you get into? 

Deepak Chopra

Do you buy books based off the cover or the summary? 

Depends, sometimes it’s one or the other, sometimes both

Most read author? 

David Fitzgerald

The last book you gave a five-star rating? 

Alpha God – The Psychology of Religious Violence and Oppression by Hector A. Garcia

If you had one pill that would transport you to a fictional world, which fictional world would you choose? 

Equality by Edward Bellamy

What would you rather be doing right now than answering these questions? 

Nothing, this post is my daily contribution to I Write Her. Thx for the inspiration! 🙂

Which book are you constantly thinking about even though you read it a long time ago? 

Looking Backward – 2000 to 1887 by Edward Bellamy

Favorite book villain? 

Svidrigailov of Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Where do you like to read? 

Curled up on the couch with a hot cup of tea.

My Questions:

  1. What type(s) of books do you enjoy immersing yourself in?
  2. If Fahrenheit 451 became a reality, what book(s) would you save from the fire?
  3. Which author has shaped your ideology?
  4. What appeals to you when you are browsing through bookshelves?
  5. Catcher in the Rye or A Million Little Pieces?
  6. What impresses you the most while reading good books?
  7. What book has drawn you in so completely that you wished you lived in that world?
  8. Does reading make you want to write your own book or does it just push you to buy more books?
  9. What book was insightful so as to influence you in a different direction?
  10. Describe the perfect character.
  11. Do you multi-task when you read or focus solely on the book?

I’d like to tag – AimeeDianaShera LaynVicky LeighNatalieSusan and SuePamelaKayleighAlex’s BooksLeftyKentucky Book Lover

I look forward to your posts! 🙂