Reblog – Bloggers Support Plan 😄 by Manjul

What a wonderful way to support fellow bloggers!! Please read!

Innumerable Thoughts

Hello everybody🙋!!! Hope you all are keeping in good health and are staying safe wherever you are.

So today’s post is something different I mean its neither a regular relatable situations post nor its a sketch post then what is it all about???

Okay so I have come up with a small plan which hopefully would be quite beneficial for both of us. It is the “Weekly Bloggers Support Plan”. Where me as well as other bloggers can easily some to know about your blog posts and the link to your blogs. Don’t worry this plan is free of cost you just need to follow some simple steps given below👇

I understand initially when we start blogging it becomes quiet difficult to reach out other bloggers.

Justsimply follow the given format below :

1. Name of your blog
2. Link to your blog
3. What is your blog all about

View original post 156 more words

Good News!!


Yay! I can finally let the cat out of the bag! The Fictional Cafe has asked (and I’ve enthusiastically accepted!) the position of Associate Editor and Barista!! 🙂

It’s been a pleasure to work closely with Jack Rochester, founding Barista of FC, and I’m glad to be a part of its future! My responsibilities include reading the poetry submissions, approving them and ensuring all the types of submissions which are accepted are ready for publication. Jack and I also work to streamline the operations, making our day-to-day functions smoother. In addition, I also engage with our readership in conversations since this is a virtual coffee shop! It’s been wonderful to talk with the audience about the top-notch work we showcase at Fictional Cafe!

Fellow bloggers! I encourage you to submit your work to The Fictional Cafe, as they have a large audience to showcase your work. Take a moment to review the contributions which have been published. This will help you to get a feel for what we’re looking to promote. For information, please go the Submissions Page. I look forward to possibly working with you in the future!!



Interviewed by Megan O’Keeffe

On Amazon

And yet another very positive thing to happen today!

I must tell you, it’s been a really good day for me!

If you have not read her work yet, feel free to visit her blog – Debatably Dateable – filled with poetry, romance, and love as well as poet interviews! I thank Megan for including me amongst the other poets.

To view the interview, click here. 


~Party like it’s 2019~


For most of the world, it feels to me that people treat New Year’s like it’s about starting over; for me, it’s another day in the timeline. It doesn’t hold a fascination for me to celebrate or even to get nostalgic about. I either continue in the same direction or travel down a new path. When I look back and reflect on the previous years, it’s more about what I have learned, what I’ve done, have I felt good or bad, and what would I like to accomplish in my future. Mostly, it’s something I do every day, not just at the end of the year. I guess they call that “what drives me.” For the most part, I knew which direction was I heading before the end of the last year.

This post today is my way of sharing what I’ve accomplished of my previous goals set but what I think are the answers to these questions – where do I want to go, what do I want to achieve and who do I look like in the future. It’s something I do for my continued existence for not only this year but beyond.

For my followers who were with me last year, you know that I fulfilled my goal of posting every day. I primarily did this to challenge myself, but it was also a way to learn more about poetry. And boy, was it! But oh what fun I had! Because I was so diligent, I learned so much about poetry, other writers, other styles and managed to work through a lot of emotional stuff too. Imagine a rubber band ball – thousands of bands representing new ideas, discoveries, tales, emotions, and more, and you’ll get the gist of what I was wrapped up in all year long. It was lovely!

Writing every day also led to the idea of publishing my second book – Every Day I Pause. I achieved my goal of having it available at the end of last year despite getting sick shortly before Christmas. Don’t you love it when life hands you a detour? I don’t. Unfortunately, I did not recover physically until right before New Year’s but still published the book. 🙂

You’ve probably noticed that I updated the I Write Her banner photo. My mission is still the same – presenting written forms of my humanity – but I’m feeling a lot more fluid rather than square and rigid at the moment. Hence the shapeless feel of the image I chose. The previous one was intentionally more rigid to showcase my goal of being very deliberate and intentional about my writing during 2018. The banner will presumably change should my mood or purpose take on another shift.

I also made the decision to stop all WordPress ads on my site by upgrading with a paid plan they offer. The goal is so you won’t be distracted. I want you to enjoy the subscription. I’m committed to ensuring that everyone, be they occasional readers, followers or fans, have a rich experience here.

Now let me share where my initial intentions on I Write Her took me this past year. My goal was at the very least to have the readers from previous blogs join me here and hopefully grow it beyond the six followers I had with an average of 10 views per day. The WordPress community surprised me, and I mean surprised me big! At the end of 2018, I Write Her had 739 followers and over 14,100 views. The comments, the support, the love and generosity of the readership humbles me but also has given me more confidence than I ever thought possible. I struggled for a long time even calling myself a writer. But the support given me here has cemented it for me now. For that, I thank you all so very much!

Something that I’m tossing around in my braincase is the idea of collaborating with other authors/writers. Having participated in many challenges this past year, I enjoyed the creativity flowing out of me but also seeing the imaginations and skill levels of others excel when they were prompted to accept the challenges of other writers. My gut is telling me Let’s do this! I’ve not quite figured it all out yet, but I will be creating a challenge called “Interpretations.” I’ll explain more as I’ve worked out the kinks for my vision on it. Watch for a future post detailing how to participate! I’m looking forward to seeing writers rise to the challenge. 🙂

This year and beyond, my focus will continue to be on those posts which have a burning desire to get out of me. I do not think this will occur every day though, so you’ll probably see a little less of me. And I think I may actually take a short break as of today. Not sure how long yet but enough to let me feel like I can catch my breath. Rest assured, I will continue to read all my favorite blogs during this hiatus! But know that when I return, the content of my posts will be relevant. I’m feeling like there will be more intentional, immediate subjects that need to be addressed rather than just being creative. But I’ve also decided to contribute more to other venues as a means to expose myself to different platforms and their audiences. Writing outside of IWH will take me away from posting every day. But the hope is stepping into other areas of writing will continue to grow the readership here. Quite possibly it will also draw some fans to Patreon helping to support me financially. In other words, help me to keep living out my dream! Thank you in advance, should you choose to go down that path with me.

So let’s do what the title of this post says and Party like it’s 2019!!! WOOT WOOT



“Why do you write?”

I know I’ve asked this question of myself and others often. My guess is you have as well.

Each person is by definition a writer, whether they are paid to or not. Putting thoughts on paper or the computer via a typewriter, keyboard or in a notebook says you are. But are you a writer?

There are so many different ways and styles of writing, and so are the reasons that set writers down that path of producing their work. It can speak to millions or just a handful. The intention is always to convey information and thoughts but what that can actually represent is varied. Every year, writers produce a gazillion letters of the alphabet. No lie! And they use the appropriate grammar and punctuation to highlight facts, fiction, statistics, imagery, instructions, emotions, stories, poems, education, research and so much more…

But are you a writer?

It took me years to begin dedicating the majority of my time to it. The activities of daily life – family, home, friends, and job – were my priorities before I fully embraced the notion of becoming a writer for pleasure, and ultimately, for a living. Now it’s just a part of my identity.

And it refuses to let go.

Publishing a book last year, and actually selling books suggests I’m a writer too. So yeah, I’ll call myself a writer now.

I do it because I like everything about it. From beginning to end. Anticipating thoughts, letting them swirl around my head, the sound of my fingers hitting the keys rhythmically, constructing the right lines, and pristinely defining the feelings which bubble up. It’s all so rich and satisfying. And when you feel like it’s some of your best-written work, just wow.

In those still moments, I also want to understand more about myself. Even in times when the climate consists of disturbances around me, I tune them out and tune in to the place in my head where liquid thoughts move freely. Pulling one out after the other, I create a string of coherency and then pound them out on the keyboard. It’s about grasping the feelings and defining the deeper meanings. Writing helps me capture the essence of who I am.

This is why I do it. For myself, for me alone.

But it’s not what motivates me to make it public.

I knew I could pull a sentence together and usually had something good to say. But that never felt creative, just that I knew words. Writing on my blogs as well as others and getting the book to market have been the best ways for me to showcase my creativity. Who knew I had imagination too?!? I certainly didn’t for the longest time. It’s work, effort, emotionally-charged but oh so very fulfilling!

Getting it all out in public translates to being understandable and relatable. The bonus is achieving a palpable peace. Every bit of myself and the writing is intended to come with clarity and honesty. The goal is to put a spotlight on my humanity in whatever way my brain dictates it. Then voila’, each piece of writing becomes a short burst about who I am. I let the tale sell the author.

Making connections with individuals in the writing community is another wonderful perk and motivation to give more. I’ve been thrilled to rub elbows with some fellow writers that have the same intentions. They feel like my people. Their drive to write seems to mirror my journey. I run to them. Especially the ones with their elegant and brilliant style. They just pick up a pen and out comes the magic. It’s as if they easily command the dictionary to do their bidding in an incredibly harmonic way. Being open with my writing, I hope they glance my way. They help guide me to even better expression. And they enrich my life with their skills.

So why do you write?

Sunshine Blogger Award!


Wow! Two awards in one week! Thank YOU, Lori, for this one! I guess that means you like me, you really like me! 🙂

I’ve been tagged by the lovely LORI’S BOOK SHELFREADS  Adorers of books, show her some love!


The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.


  1. Thank the person/persons that nominated you and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions your nominator has given you.
  3. Nominate 11 other people and give them 11 new questions to answer.
  4. List the rules and display the award.

11 Questions from Sara

What book are you currently reading? 

The Spawn of Lilith – Dana Fredsti
Time Shards – Dana Fredsti & David Fitzgerald
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents – Lindsay C. Gibson, PsyD
Fire and Fury – Michael Wolff

If you were stranded on a deserted island and you were only allowed one book, which book would you take with you? 

John Hopkins Symptoms and Remedies – The Complete Home Medical Reference

Which highly acclaimed author can’t you get into? 

Deepak Chopra

Do you buy books based off the cover or the summary? 

Depends, sometimes it’s one or the other, sometimes both

Most read author? 

David Fitzgerald

The last book you gave a five-star rating? 

Alpha God – The Psychology of Religious Violence and Oppression by Hector A. Garcia

If you had one pill that would transport you to a fictional world, which fictional world would you choose? 

Equality by Edward Bellamy

What would you rather be doing right now than answering these questions? 

Nothing, this post is my daily contribution to I Write Her. Thx for the inspiration! 🙂

Which book are you constantly thinking about even though you read it a long time ago? 

Looking Backward – 2000 to 1887 by Edward Bellamy

Favorite book villain? 

Svidrigailov of Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Where do you like to read? 

Curled up on the couch with a hot cup of tea.

My Questions:

  1. What type(s) of books do you enjoy immersing yourself in?
  2. If Fahrenheit 451 became a reality, what book(s) would you save from the fire?
  3. Which author has shaped your ideology?
  4. What appeals to you when you are browsing through bookshelves?
  5. Catcher in the Rye or A Million Little Pieces?
  6. What impresses you the most while reading good books?
  7. What book has drawn you in so completely that you wished you lived in that world?
  8. Does reading make you want to write your own book or does it just push you to buy more books?
  9. What book was insightful so as to influence you in a different direction?
  10. Describe the perfect character.
  11. Do you multi-task when you read or focus solely on the book?

I’d like to tag – AimeeDianaShera LaynVicky LeighNatalieSusan and SuePamelaKayleighAlex’s BooksLeftyKentucky Book Lover

I look forward to your posts! 🙂