My Last Memory

poor mia, i’ve left her with scars
and tears and whispers in her ear
our last night in st. louis, the end of a tumultuous era

i turn, heading in the direction of my car
i feel her sad eyes on the back of my head, they sear
my heart races

she knows i still care
even now with me being a giant ass
my actions making me seem crass

but it’s just how things have to be, and now are
my wife said ‘end it, ace,
or risk a monumental financial loss’, giving me a scare

but i’ll always remember mia’s soft caress


I’ve only done a couple of ‘In One Word Poems’, so I thought I would try my hand at it again with these challenges. Christine – Stine Writing posted about this interesting form a while back. 

The rules are:

  • choose a word
  • list words that you find within that word
  • choose words from that list
  • write a poem in which each line ends with one of those words

In addition, I wrote this piece from a man’s perspective, something I usually don’t do.


Photo by Posawee Suwannaphati on

tastings leave me feeling shiny and new
selecting the best, we all win
the atmosphere delightful, taking it all in
friendships cemented over wine, so happy are we

I was inspired to write this after Christine – Stine Writing posted about this interesting form. It’s called an “In One Word Poem” and it is an absolute delight to be challenged to create in this way! My husband supplied the first word and I hope you enjoy what it prompted me to write. 🙂

The rules are:

  • choose a word
  • list words that you find within that word
  • choose words from that list
  • write a poem in which each line ends with one of those words

Have fun if you decide to participate! I hope you do and and look forward to reading what you come up with!