
when sweet, bitter, sour, salty, savory and meaty mingle
hearty rivers of saliva flow
mouths expectedly inhale each flavor
raucous stomachs delight in being fed
as every standout bite is relished
taste buds are gleefully entertained
by this colorful and appetizing feast

when it all comes together just right
we are satiated

Inspired by Eugi’s Causerie Weekly Prompt – Mingle

In The Mundane Moments

i take a step back to refocus
ordinary tasks beckon
i watch silently, attentively
as the rivulets of water splash in the basin

thoughts begin to cascade in
jumbled and incoherent at first
yet sentences start to form
as the words assemble reasonably

quick, let me write that down
to capture the emotions and the intent
conveying my thoughts is such satisfaction
even in the boring routine of the day

Mindful Thoughts

Jr Korpa – Unsplash

remnants of my dreams
flit into my consciousness
snippets of illusion
with the events of the day
finding myself
colliding into the past
to produce an array of emotions
feelings of being torn
in different directions

where do I find comfort
where is the wisdom
where is the adventure

everywhere and in all things
...especially in dreams

Feeling Safe


I long for the restful places
where the pain
is expelled or soothed
every thought on paper
brings a downturn of
painful emotions
an uplifting
into understanding
and peace
from hurtful emotions
a broadening
of my horizon
when I let go of
easing into serenity
and calm
my happy place


Land Of Plenty

thankful for the serene moments

a gentle perspective prevails

a wholesome gratitude unfolds

giving way to peace 

and harmony with nature

a feeling of having more than one needs

an abundance of security and ease

every breath taken is enough

my mind is clear

and my soul is content