End Of Innocence


“One of the most powerful art pieces from Burning Man: A sculpture of two adults after a disagreement, sitting with their backs to each other. Yet, the inner child in both of them simply wants to connect. Age has many beautiful gifts, but one we could live without is the pride and resentment we hold onto when we have conflicts with others. The forgiving, free spirit of children is our true nature. Remember this when you feel stubborn.” ~ https://me.me/i/one-of-the-most-powerful-art-pieces-from-burning-man-9259489~

seething in silence
hot tears to the inside
wanting resolution in a war of no words
terrified to lose you but only wanting to win
the walls are getting thicker and higher
harder to tear down
we are a problem not wanting to be solved

Originally posted November 1, 2018, on I Write Her.

Paradise Lost

Leman Shots

Storms rage destruction but will turn to calm, and then disappear. Following a weather event, the beings of nature will re-emerge, and continue as if never put on hold. Life keeps on going.

I find myself wishing for that pattern after a betrayal or a disappointment. If only let-downs were this easy. I know we can move on from emotional devastation but thinking it won’t afflict us again doesn’t seem to. Getting back to trust is difficult. It’s like trying to put on size ten pants when you are a size sixteen.

Trusting implies you are not suspicious. Doubt doesn’t even enter your vocabulary because there has been no reason for it to exist. Until – “enter devastating event”. The before was so good that the during was unbelievable but making the after so predictable.

When bad things happen, you don’t come away unscathed. The lingering pain and fear hang on. Millions of thoughts occupy scenarios played out over and over again. It’s an unrelenting torrent of destruction in your head and your heart. Created by another, but a continuing saga you perpetuate.

Having deep trust comes from someone earning it for an apparent reason. And losing it means a much harder return to normal. Actually, almost impossible.

All I wish for is Hurricane Personal Tragedy to be behind me.

The Five Ws + One Bonus

Art Rocks

who are you?
who are you really?

what you show, beauty
what you feel, ugly

where do you see this going?
where do you think?

when you laugh, it’s only all the right things
when you cry, in private

why do you hurt me?
why do you always hurt me?

how you act, pretentious
how i feel, awful

End Of Innocence


One of the most powerful art pieces from Burning Man: A sculpture of two adults after a disagreement, sitting with their backs to each other. Yet, the inner child in both of them simply wants to connect. Age has many beautiful gifts but one we could live without is the pride and resentment we hold onto when we have conflicts with others. The forgiving, free spirit of children is our true nature. Remember this when you feel stubborn.
~ https://me.me/i/one-of-the-most-powerful-art-pieces-from-burning-man-9259489~

seething in silence

hot tears to the inside

wanting resolution in a war of no words

terrified to lose you but only wanting to win

the walls are getting thicker, higher

harder to tear down

we are a problem not wanting to be solved

Feeding Intimacy


The chase included all the delicacies love snacks on, fills up on even.

I kept coming back for more. You provided, I was hooked.

I could be satiated whenever I needed.

You kept your buffet stocked. A beautiful presentation.

I never felt hungry, rather I was full.

Years went by, I remained well fed.

We were happy. For a bit.

Then more years passed and the spread was less colorful, it didn’t speak to me.

And then, I began to notice less and less on the table before me, even some spoilage.

Hmmm, I’m hungry. That’s new.

I mentioned the pangs, I cried that I was hungry, I hurt going to sleep at night.

You ordered take-out, we ate together. For a bit.

Going down it felt like fake food, second-hand and ABC cud.

A temporary fix to fill a gaping hole, only as required.

But then you starved me. I lost so much.

When I started nourishing myself, I determined the menu.

I think I’ll pass on the next feast.

I’d like to live.