The Favorites

it takes time and circumstance
to find the right ones
just the few steadfast
handful of friends
the ones who are our strength
and also our cover
shielding us from attacks
wrapping us up in their arms
emanating all the love
our tired and aching psyches need

going through trials and tribulations
it separates the wheat from the chaff
and when those friends prove themselves
over and over again
cherish those
for they will be by your side for the duration

Note: While I wish some of the human race would get their shit together, it’s not likely to happen in my time. For this reason, I generally don’t like people, but I love the ones that I like.

I Miss You

you made the happy days
so much more fun
you willingly provided comfort
and a shoulder on the sad days
your smile alone infused joy
into the boring ones

now i can only…

wish for you on the happy days
to make them even better

wish for you on the sad days
so as to not weep silently and withdrawn

wish for you on the boring ones
to not feel so alone

if only wishing worked…

because your love always wrapped me up in warmth
and your joy was incredibly infectious
you and your presence kept me sane

i miss you so very much

Reblogs – Reena Saxena & Lorraine Lewis

We are always presented with choices in our interactions. Watch people, listen for inconsistencies in their actions, and respond accordingly for self-preservation. You have the power to control your emotional environment.

Power is contextual by Reena Saxena

I exercise choice
to act, but have no control
on others’ response
Pause, evaluate, respond
face consequences boldly

I Said Goodbye by Lorraine Lewis

I said Goodbye to
Hypocrisy dressed in white
Covering the black

Thoughts Of You

at least five times a day
but more like twenty
i pass the nooks in my home
special places filled with treasures of connection

a beacon of warmth
emerges and spreads in me
as memories of times past
fill my head and my heart

i always wonder
if the dearest to me know
their pictures, cards and curios
spark a friendly smile on my face

i’m thinking of us in those moments
remembering our joy together
knowing their love connects us
and that our distance could never diminish it

my heart puffs up
with a deep caring for those special people in my life
the bits of them ensconced in the various mementos
they remind me daily of the support i have around me

i will never be lonely
when all i have to do is open my eyes
their precious art, gifts and trinkets surround me
their love always in my presence

Rejoining The Human Race

Sean Robertson – Unsplash

Inspired by Sadje’s What do you see #82 and VJ’s Weekly Challenge – Read on

old faces reappear
with new ones making an entraNce too
rejoicing the changed times
at big city meet-ups
for celebrations freeing us
to be ourselves once again

sorrows and stories exchanged
hugs too
reconnecting to what once was
and holding on tighter now
a new reality begins for us
with renewed hope for a better future

A Craving

i want to know your depths
and openly expose mine
laying bare our souls

let’s share the qualities
of our essences
allowing them to intermingle

the invitation stands
do come inside
won’t you

Image credit – Phmaxiestevez @ Pixabay