Announcing The 2022 Pushcart Nominees!

It was wonderful to immerse myself again and fully digest the thoughts of all the pieces selected for the second volume of poetry of The Short of It in order to determine which works were to be nominated for this honor.

I am very happy to announce the following poets’ pieces were submitted to the Pushcart Prize Committee. Those selected were nominated for their contributions to the Reflections & Revelations—a collection of the best featured in the online publication.

Phantasma by Candice Louisa Daquin 

remembering by Jane Ayres 

The Sum is One by Ivor Steven  

Old News Is Not Old News by Joni Caggiano  

Winter’s Beauty by Lorraine Lewis 

Anxiety by Radhika Puttige 

The Short of It Pushcart Prize Nominations

carte blanche - Pushcart Prize News! - carte blanche

Since the beginning, my goal has been to promote the work of poets and writers with a gift for expression in a minute fashion. I’m thankful that this reputable organization exists to help further that effort.

I am very happy to announce the following poets’ pieces were submitted to the Pushcart Prize Committee. Those selected were nominated for their contributions to the Sound of Brilliance Anthology—a collection of the best featured on the online publication. It was so hard to trim it down to only six pieces as the contributions were already the best of the best!

So, please give a round of applause and wish them the best!

Scars by Goff James

Silence by Lisa Tomey

Sailing by Freya Pickard

Thunderstorm Conversations by Ali Grimshaw

Fulfillment by Marisela Brazfield

A Monarch Task by Anita Neal