Rigor Failed Me

Inspired by Eugenia’s Weekly Prompt – Untold

untold hours you’ve stolen
fear and uncertainty forced upon me
diligently undoing your heinousness

you’re a thief, a poacher, a pilferer
how dare you attempt to plunder
what i so righteously established

i’d say first world problems
but it goes deeper
it’s an attempt at ruination

***Financial identity theft is responsible for millions of reports annually, and it continues to escalate every year.


not only thieves purloin

women too often, so so often
have their dignity stolen from them
their bodies taken beyond recognition
their souls robbed of semblance

the monsters scurrying and creeping away after the ugly deed
running off with women’s futures
instilling fear in them without so much as an ounce of remorse
carrying away women’s shame as trophies

when will the craven grand larceny
of women’s bodies, minds and souls stop
when will the emptying of a woman’s stability cease
when will the brutal destruction foisted upon them end


The Projector – Part 2

person in black hoodie wearing white mask
Bermix Studio – Unsplash

Part 1

The Brighton Plaza Cinema 5/2/21 – Seth

Seth was looking forward to watching Head Hunting, the reviews were top-notch, and he was definitely into seeing some bloody action this afternoon. Rotten Tomatoes highly recommended the movie, plus some of his friends said he should take in a show but not take his girlfriend as she would probably faint with all the slasher content. Seeing how she was spending the day with her girlfriends, it was the perfect time to see it.

He paid for his ticket and got situated in his seat. Seth had a habit of sitting at the end of the row, next to the walkway. That way, he could quickly get up to visit the restroom, if necessary. He despised bothering people. Looking around the theater for the first time, he noted the nostalgic feel of it; possibly the peeling paint at the ceiling is what made it seem old and quaint. It was a little small for a movie theatre, but it had charming vibes, quite an interesting little place, intimacy with a large screen. The people seemed to like it, as it was completely packed. Or maybe it was just they were all excited to watch this movie too? Whichever, he was just glad he was there. 

The lights began to dim, and the crowd got quiet. The story immediately set into motion the premise that it was a good-versus-evil film. The good guys being law enforcement, and the bad guy a serial killer. The opening scene was of the FBI cordoning off the area where the bodies lay, naked and void of color. Most of the people were wearing head-to-toe PPE to protect the integrity of the dumpsite. The initial assessment of this being a dumpsite was the lack of blood in the corpses and none in the area where they were lying.

The leading characters, a man and woman team from a special FBI department dealing with serial killers, believed they were after a single killer or possibly a team working together. The decapitated victims had their heads swapped out and reattached onto the other person’s body. It was pretty bizarre, actually strange enough to shake up the seasoned law enforcement at the scene. 

Typically, serial killers attacked one person at a time. The killer’s methodology was incredibly gruesome and challenging to pull off, considering it was trouble times two. It left the team wondering how he could subdue two victims quickly enough to commit the atrocities he enacted on them. And the killer was rather meticulous, not just the cuts and the reattachment, but there was no physical evidence at the scene. Their best guess was the killing occurred elsewhere, and then the bodies were dumped alongside the highway.

So that’s how it started, then five crime scenes and ten bodies later, the good FBI team got their bad man. As promised, the gore was exquisite, and Seth enjoyed the gut-wrenching throughout.

Leaving the theater, Seth’s head bobbed up and down in satisfaction; the action and blood pleased him. And the end was perfect; justice served harshly but appropriately. Though he couldn’t understand why some in the audience were crying, others laughing. Hadn’t they watched the same thrilling movie?


Wordle #445


Yesterday, just like today, the heat was oppressive. The sweat was seeping down my face like little tendrils of water. I made an effort to savor this popsicle, for now, knowing the chance to be able to ask for another would be a while. Eyeing the chain-link fence surrounding the jail, I was careful to conceal my sly wee smirk. This time tomorrow, I’ll be gone, I thought to myself.

“Hey, courageous storyteller, what’s this I hear you think you’re going to break out soon?” said the guard on duty with a broad grin on his face.

Damn. Someone snitched.

Inspired by The Sunday Whirl

Wordle #420

Inspired by Sunday Whirl

This hack thought highly of himself, but in reality, another know-it-all safe in our midst. But he couldn’t roll with us. He couldn’t even act his way through this job credibly — time to cut ties, scratch this loser. We finished and headed out.

The pain in my hands was intense as I continued to burrow away from the job in our make-shift tunnel.

Outside, the hail was coming down fast. It felt like acid hitting us. Pay-backs for doing a dirty deed? The pain was justice for committing the robbery when you tamper with the natural order – Karma.