Not Just My Verse, Your Two Two, Too – The Bucket List – #poetrychallenge

Bucket (List) of Verses

Rory at A Guy Called Bloke, started this fun challenge in poem form and Dorinda passed the challenge on to me.


Rory’s Instructions:
I will choose a topic, write four lines of Rhyming Verse then l will tag one of my readers who will in turn add four lines of Rhyming Verse to my mine and Tag one of their own readers, and then it is a case of wash rinse repeat and let’s see how far our topic goes in so far as a Rhyme?…

The Perfectly Crazy Bucket List!

Rory Starts us off:
So, so much to do, and with so little time,
I want to do everything, nothing to be missed,
But how do I plan it all, how do I define,
The perfectly crazy bucket list?

Paula adds:
First up is a lush tropical jungle,
Jaguars and waterfalls… all quite insane;
I do hope my parachute isn’t all bungled,
When I jump from the doorway of this airplane!

Fandango Continues:
I want to take a rocket into space,
Or maybe a submarine ride deep in the sea.
I sure hope they will save me a place,
Because that’s where I really want to be!

Cheryl Contributes:
A trip to the mountains is what l’d choose,
I’ll make sure to wear climbing shoes,
Rocks are high and edges slippery,
Wouldn’t want to fall off the periphery,

Kristian’s Contribution:
I’d like to see the world, visit the sands of Abu Dhabi
take a cruise down the Golden Gate Bridge in my Maserati
head to New England and catch a game at old Fenway Park,
then board a ship to Costa Rica where I can swim with a shark.

Nova’s Addition:
I’d travel to the desert in Egypt
And photograph the pyramids
Then board the Cairo railway,
To the Chocolateria in Madrid.

Ritu’s Addition:
Swimming with dolphins in the ocean deep
A worldwide cruise, though it won’t be cheap
I want to write a novel, and hope it’s a best seller
To see my book upon a shelf, wouldn’t that be stellar?

Willow’s Addition
I’d love to ride a zip wire high up in the trees
And to do so fearlessly as often as I please.
A Starfighter pilot I’d dearly love to be
I smash the evil aliens and set the good world’s free.

Dale’s Two Cents’
For the longest time, I have dreamt of Tuscany
Not merely to visit, but to eat, live, and dine
Vacation in ’16 felt like my destiny
I’m ever so convinced, I will fit in just fine

Christine offers her wishes:
Gallowayshire, the ancestral home,
the trip of my dreams with enough £s to roam;
to meet with some long-losts in Wigtown for tea
to stroll through the heather; gaze out o’er the sea.

Dorinda’s Wish:
To see the Northern Lights is my one true desire
I could look at them forever, and never really tire
Color painting the skies, brightens earth and sea
The Aurora Borealis, now that’s the scene for me

Susi’s Desire:
My feet walking along the shoreline of a pristine island
with crystal clear water, pink sand, and beautiful palms.
Doesn’t much matter which one as long as the weather is grand.
Shades on, lotion lathered, now let’s work on releasing qualms.

And I tag Walt Page to continue the list!

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