7 thoughts on “Awkward

  1. Thank you Susi for that interesting and inspiring picture. This is my response in a run of haiku/senryu. With your permission and approval, I shall published in in my web.


    strained entanglement
    fondle morph into arm twist
    lock by grip climax

    powerful hold hurts
    hug and kiss to free tension
    move with the passion

    feeling buried deep
    a jolt of excavation
    love trapped emotion

    Dr. Lim Keng Huat, http://www.wonkywizard.wordpress.com

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed the image and that it inspired you to write these pieces! Feel free to repost and of course share your work. Very nicely done, Dr. Lim Keng Huat! 🙂


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