The Importance Of Thoughts

I’m embarrassed to say this; I don’t know who prompted these thoughts as I’ve somehow managed to lose the link where I read their opinion piece. I usually try to be very good about giving a hat-tip to those who have inspired me but not this time. Perhaps, I initially saw the post on WordPress or maybe Facebook, but I can’t remember now. So, if it was one of my readers, please comment below so I can thank you properly for this inspiration, and link them back to your post!

Reviews are honest feedback from the reader’s experience, which allows the writer to benefit from praise and constructive criticism. It also gives those seeking a new book to read to decide whether they would enjoy the book. I can’t tell you enough how important this is for the writer’s psyche but also sales! People who are earnestly reading the reviews want to make sure they aren’t wasting their money and know what they are getting themselves into with their purchase.

The piece I read prompted me to remind everyone about these critical aspects of purchasing a book. The obvious positive is you are creating revenue for the writer, but you are also doing the author (usually your friend too) the kindness of reading their valuable thoughts. It’s a win-win.

But by reading their work and leaving them a review, it’s a win-win-win situation!

Which brings me to my situation; there are two books which I self-published on Amazon – Feeling Human and Every Day I PauseWith heartfelt thanks, many people have purchased the book from me directly or online. But they need some love and attention. So many of those who bought a book never left a review. Maybe it’s because they haven’t read it yet. I can understand as I have a mountain of books to get through myself. It usually takes me a few months to even read it before I can leave a review. But then there are those for whatever reason, bought it, read it, and then didn’t write one. I wonder, are they just too shy to come forward and don’t feel comfortable reporting their opinion publicly? Or maybe they didn’t like it as well as they thought they would and don’t want to hurt my feelings? I don’t know, and perhaps, will never know. But I definitely would like to know what they thought.

So, what I hope to convey to the people who read my blog, please ALWAYS leave a review if you’ve bought someone’s book. They will be very thankful for it. And if you need to convey some issues with it, be diplomatic but be honest. If it’s harsh but something the person still needs to hear, you can, after all, even talk to them directly. Please and thank you.

Ok, now to the shameless plug to sell my books! 🙂

I’m running a special on them if you buy from me directly. You’ll receive them gratefully signed by me in my unique handwriting! AKA as Dr.’s handwriting. LOL

Feeling Human $12 and Every Day I Pause $15 each or BOTH for $25!!
Shipping $5 in the US, $8 International

If this interests you, please email me for payment info

Thank you!

Ps. And if you make a purchase, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW! 😉

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