Reminder – I’M A FINALIST!!!

They will be declaring the winner in the next few days, so if you haven’t voted for my poem yet and you want to, please do it now!!! Thank you, I’ll be eternally grateful! 🙂 ❤

I Write Her

I’m beyond ecstatic! This is the first online voting I’ve been a part of and I made it to the finals. Woot Woot!! So exciting! 🙂

Here is where the magic happens. If you want me to win and deem this poem worthy, please click this link and cast your vote or votes if you are allotted more than one. You’ve gotten me this far, please help to take me over the finish line. Whether I win or not, as always, I’m so happy for your love and support! ❤ xoxo

Let’s do this!! 🙂

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31 thoughts on “Reminder – I’M A FINALIST!!!

        1. Yep, I see the comment! But the vote isn’t showing. You’ll have to confirm the email too and if that doesn’t work, then you need to sign on again and vote again. It’s weird, I know but have been dealing with this the whole contest! I appreciate you following through!

          Liked by 1 person

              1. 🙂 Keep your fingers crossed, but honestly, just having been selected as a finalist is simply amazing to me! It would be awesome to win but I think I can safely say, I’ve won so much already with that. 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

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