My Angel

memories are a bitch
bubbling up
from depths
mourned long ago
tears falling
without consequence
my friend, you are missed


I was in my early 20s when I lost my good friend, Jerry Angeline, in a vehicle accident. His death impacted me deeply. This was our song and what triggered a flood of memories recently. It still hurts.

19 thoughts on “My Angel

  1. Oh, Susi!! My heart goes out to you, Dear!!! Can not even imagine your loss and sorrow for your – Angel!! You said it so well, My Dear – Memories are (can be) a bitch! They also can provide a wonderful remembrance and joy and contentment in your heart!!! Just be thankful you had time to share with him and make memories that you treasure in your heart!!! Wish I could give you a Big Hug!!!! The thought of your loss and sorrow inspired me and I hope you don’t feel this is an intrusion – I have a blossom for you I will send offline!!!
    Love and Hugs,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the love and virtual hugs, Chuck! I will always take those! 🙂 I’m ready for the day when I can hug my friends and boys in real time too!

      Yes, once the sorrow has passed, the joy of being a part in their lives always follows and for that I am grateful. Good memories will bring the much needed smiles back.

      Please do share your “blossom” with me. I’m always happy to see the results of being inspired. Those are usually the pieces which come from deep places. ❤


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