I Write Her Weekly Haiku/Senryu Challenge #3

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Welcome back to my weekly challenge. It’s time to get your creative juices on again!

So tell me, how would you interpret this image above?


  • Create a standard three line, 5/7/5 syllable count haiku/senryu
  • Deadline for each submission will be on the Saturday of this week
  • Up to 3 pieces permitted
  • Link to this “IWH Haiku/Senryu Challenge#”  on your post
  • Always give photo credit if there is one
  • Complete entry form below

Above all else, have fun with this! 🙂


Here are the links to all the wonderful submissions I received last week. I do hope you enjoy them as much as I did! Thank you to all who participated! 🙂


Candice – Sacred Venus

Overheating Wall – Wonky Wizard

Hélène Vaillant – Sparks – Willow Poetry

Elsie Hagley – Ramblings of a Writer

Eugenia – on/off – ThusNSuch

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