Checkmate, Piggy Lee!

With the clock ticking away, Kermit squirmed but kept his eyes glued to the chessboard. Miss Piggy contemplated each move with methodical ease, prolonging the tension. Kermit’s heartbeat raced, anticipation mounting with each passing second. Finally, Miss Piggy made her move, and it was his turn. She batted her eyelashes at him as if to signal it was over. Under pressure, Kermit remained composed, his mind sharp. He executed his plan and felt a rush of satisfaction. And fear, realizing Miss Piggy would make his life miserable when she lost. “If life were easy, it wouldn’t be difficult,” he thought.

I have entered this challenge for the fourth time. I still didn’t get past the first round, but this is the first time I’ve ever had an honorable mention! As I told my husband, I’m determined to do better, even if it takes me ten years!

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