My Self Evolving

Inspired by Reena’s Exploration Challenge #197 & Eugenia’s Weekly Prompt – Journey

my life, this winding and criss cross journey
enduring the setbacks nature often offers
forces an accounting of my true self’s mission

while i critiquely reflect within my soul
the revelation – the person i see in the mirror is not me
it hurts that i’ve lived with this stranger for so long

i vow

no more continuing to plod along how others want me
i’ll take the reins now to forge paths more to my liking
my destiny means claiming my glory and being wholly present

41 thoughts on “My Self Evolving

  1. Bravo! Women need to do this “i’ll take the reins now to forge paths more to my liking” more often. Seems we buy into the idea that giving is good and taking time to develop our own interests is selfish and unkind…. We get shamed and coerced into denying ourselves far too often.

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