Behind Closed Doors

Victoria Strukovskaya – Unsplash

Inspired by Sadje’s What do you see #81 &
VJ’s Weekly Challenge – What could you talk about for 30 minutes without preparation?

thick green creepers
a beautiful cover
on locked unit 28-5

the lush foliage slyly hides
the horrors
behind those doors

mutti wouldn’t approve
barring anyone entrance
revealing her shameful secrets

**VJ’s prompt – For those who are unaware of my dysfunctional relationship with my mother, Mutti would be the topic I could speak about without preparation for at least 30 minutes, if not a lifetime.

17 thoughts on “Behind Closed Doors

  1. Yes, I see how it screams horror at the onset. I thought of escape as well. Hope the horror ended when she found a way to get away. Lovely. Just so lovely. Thanks, Susi. I enjoyed reading this. Be well. I wish you miracles.

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