The Risk Of Loving

@avogado6 on Twitter

Inspired by Eugi’s Weekly Prompt – Jewels & Reena’s Exploration Challenge #174

the streaming brilliance of those i adore
elicit my smiles and warm heart-felt thanks
for providing a cushion from the cruelty in this world

the love i hold for those i love
fills me with joy and comfort
an ease not found elsewhere but with them

occasionally worry squeezes my head
allowing anxiety to ripple through my heart
the safety of the jewels in my life takes priority

i hope desperately to ensure their longevity
because what would i be
without them

23 thoughts on “The Risk Of Loving

  1. Brilliant post and what a picture, head screw of worry , the clutching of the chest and being unable to speak because of no mouth, it describes how most people feel sometimes in their lives, thank you so much for your brilliant post my lovely blog friend.

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