
The saying goes, “A bird in hand is worth two in a bush,” but when I look at the things in my drawers, I think quietly to myself, what I have is only junk.

If only I had a crystal ball to show me my future.

Ah, it would probably only shit in my hand as that bird would.

Image credit- Evan Clark @ Unsplash

61 thoughts on “Fortunate?

        1. Click on your dashboard and click on Comments. There will be a column for Spam. I have to remember to check it as WP sometimes dumps “real” comments there from time to time.


          1. That’s what I remember seeing. But now I just noticed “pending” to the right of the comment and I just have to approve it! I think that has to do with the new “block” editor, as opposed to the “classic”. Hate it, but I’ve been making my peace with the block😊. Thanks for letting me know. There as a bunch of comments in there.

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