23 thoughts on “One’s Downfall

  1. “Money is the root of all…” is high on the list of being misquoted. How it should read is “The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.” That speaks to motivation rather than the expediency of trade and exchange of goods.

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    1. Correct, it’s been said before and with a different spin on it – 1 Timothy 6:10. It does refer to the love of it but the point I wanted to make is more about capitalism. It is evil because it is literally killing us and our world.

      As an example, I just read a meme about Jeff Bezos – “He now has roughly $189 Billion. The average American yearly income is $32,000. How long would it take an average worker to make the amount Bezos has? 5.9 Million years. This level of inequality is a crime against humanity.”

      This monetary construct that we have in our society is fostering the greed and love for it, only enhancing their own lives rather than helping others.


      1. Hoarding works against any proper sense of community. Whether it’s hoarding toilet paper (minimal negative consequences) or hoarding money, it breaks down the idea of a caring society focused on giving everyone a reasonable quality of life.

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