Keep the SMITTEN momentum going

YES! Keep the SMITTEN MOMENTUM going! Please share, tweet, reblog. I’ll love you forever for it! ❤


Once a book is published it is easy after the first attention-packed week to forget it requires a consistent and steady stream of support. We spend months creating a project and then when it’s for sale, the rally cry can lose steam in the wake of other distractions. But SMITTEN is more than a distraction, it’s a movement, a necessary voice, and we’re asking that all who consider themselves friends of LGBTQ equality, to act in support of SMITTEN by keeping the momentum going.

SMITTEN This Is What Love Looks Like – Poetry by Women for Women is a project of 120 Poets and Artists come together to raise the visibility of women in the LGBTQ movement. Your support of SMITTEN, be it financial or by helping raise awareness, will help ensure projects like this continue.

It may appear LGBTQ has a great deal of publicity but within that larger…

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