Are We There Yet?

faaa Inspired by Hélène Vaillant – What Do You See 1/22/19

beautiful white snow
in the dark night

icy and cold
chilled to the bone
layers, way too many

your world is sunny
rather visit there
wanting to thaw out

beautiful white sand
in the bright day

oh, do let me come stay with you!

27 thoughts on “Are We There Yet?

  1. i love the way you described the standing on the threshold but not ever saying it, even without the photo your woerds conveyed a longing for something better and warmer, very inspiring words!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A lovely poem Susi. I love the playful mood while at the same time you instill a wise message of lightening your wares to step into a brighter day. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

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